October 29, 2013

CORE Contest

Want to win a prize? CORE is giving away prizes for contributing items to CORE. Here are some ideas for your contributions:
  • A resource, video, cheat sheet or other item that explains to your fellow users why or how you use CORE
  • The best web link you know of that informs, helps others, or is a tool that can be used for learning
  • Your own resource creation
  • Use social media like Vine, start a hashtag trend on Twitter related to CORE and capture the twitter feed, create short video clip, or a lesson exemplar that incorporates CORE.
  • ...sky's the limit!
For each contest contribution you make in CORE, you will receive one ballot entered in for the draw! Our first draw will be the first week of December!

How to Enter
  1. All teachers in CBE, CCSD, RVS, GHSD and CRPS can contribute to CORE. Just log in at www.albertacore.ca with your regular username and password. Then click Contribute in the left nav bar. Fill out the fields and submit your contribution! For detailed instructions click here.
  2. Include "howiusecore" as a keyword for each of your entries.
If you are contributing on behalf of your students, be sure to check with your school board around what types of social media you can use, and what needs to be done in order to include student personal images or information in your submission. 

Happy creating and contributing!

October 22, 2013

Clear Your Cache to See Our New Look!

When you log in at albertacore.ca using your regular username and password, your interface will look shiny and clean (like the image below). Can't see it? Then wipe your computer's memory about the sites you've visited by clearing your browser's cache. It only takes a second. Remember to do it on your mobile devices too!

Do more with CORE:

  • All teachers and students in CBE, CCSD, RVS, GHSD and CRPS can log in and access the resources in CORE. 
  • All teachers in CBE, RVS and GHSD can contribute their favorite web links as well as self-created resources to CORE.
  • All teachers can comment and rate resources in CORE.

Watch for updates as to when students will be able to comment, rate and contribute!

October 15, 2013

New Resources available from Elections Canada!

Elections are only a week away!  Did you know that Elections Canada offers elementary, secondary and ESL teachers FREE educational resources, tools, activities, information and links, all designed to make your work a little easier?  You can order or download these resources (available in English or French). 
Check out this link!        

October 10, 2013

Stuck in the 80's? Not For Long!

Imagine it's 1985. You're wearing tie-dye jeans, strutting down the street, listening to Duran Duran on your Walkman. You just got your big hair done (even bigger) and you're on your way to the arcade to play Pac-Man. Later on, you'll hang out with your buddies and watch The Breakfast Club or maybe Back to the Future while eating anything with Cheez Whiz on it.

Then you get on to your the computer or tablet that you acquired by traveling to the future and log in to CORE, and it looks like this. Fits the times, doesn't it?

We admit it. Our current interface looks like it came from the past. But we're happy to announce that in about two weeks it will look something like this!

Don't worry--the buttons and functions will stay relatively the same as they are now, but CORE will be less cluttered and easier to navigate!

Questions? Comments? Tweet us @core4learning or use the Suggestions button on the CORE interface! We're listening!

October 3, 2013

New Resource from the Regional Consortia - Learning Technologies: Information for Teachers

The Alberta Regional Consortia has just released a new support for teachers wanting to personalize learning for their students using educational technologies. Check out Learning Technologies: Information for Teachers in CORE at: https://www.albertacore.ca/items/bb269f4f-9f1d-47b8-809b-6fbe3c94f40f/1/