October 29, 2013

CORE Contest

Want to win a prize? CORE is giving away prizes for contributing items to CORE. Here are some ideas for your contributions:
  • A resource, video, cheat sheet or other item that explains to your fellow users why or how you use CORE
  • The best web link you know of that informs, helps others, or is a tool that can be used for learning
  • Your own resource creation
  • Use social media like Vine, start a hashtag trend on Twitter related to CORE and capture the twitter feed, create short video clip, or a lesson exemplar that incorporates CORE.
  • ...sky's the limit!
For each contest contribution you make in CORE, you will receive one ballot entered in for the draw! Our first draw will be the first week of December!

How to Enter
  1. All teachers in CBE, CCSD, RVS, GHSD and CRPS can contribute to CORE. Just log in at www.albertacore.ca with your regular username and password. Then click Contribute in the left nav bar. Fill out the fields and submit your contribution! For detailed instructions click here.
  2. Include "howiusecore" as a keyword for each of your entries.
If you are contributing on behalf of your students, be sure to check with your school board around what types of social media you can use, and what needs to be done in order to include student personal images or information in your submission. 

Happy creating and contributing!